In 2023, we took the time to reflect on our value statement, "We CARE for our patients, because they're already CARED for by God." As we step into 2024, join us on a journey through tales that bring to life our C.A.R.E.D values: Compassion, Accessibility, Relational Care, Excellence, and Dignity. These stories illuminate the heart of Watermark Health, showcasing the unique ways we live out our values in every patient encounter.

Meet J, a lady who walked through our doors carrying a medical concern and a heavy heart burdened by recent hospital bills. With roughly $10 left to her name after a heart attack, she contemplated a donation, but our staff assured her that a donation would not required to be seen by us. Moved by overhearing her story, our on-duty security guard, who had lost his father to a heart attack, contributed on her behalf, bringing her to tears. Little did we know that this act of compassion opened the door for J to share more of her story. As staff brought her back to the patient room, J not only received urgent medical care but also accepted Christ. Compassion, for us, is more than a gesture; it's a gateway to transformation.
Because of how God has used this clinic, I have been healed and continue to be healed by Him Daily.
B, a mom of three working in childcare, discovered Watermark Health through a mom's group on Facebook when her child fell ill - the clinic was a blessing for B's family at a time when insurance wasn't an option, offering affordable, quality care and alleviating the financial burden of emergency room visits. The kindness of the volunteers left a lasting impression, leading B and her children to return and eventually connect with Watermark Plano (Now CityBridge). B's gratitude extends beyond healthcare, as she found a church home, and began serving with international students and using her experiences to welcome newcomers. Her story epitomizes the accessibility of not just healthcare but a supportive community, emphasizing that quality care doesn't have to come at a high cost.

Relational Care:
T's story shines a light on the impact of relational care. This young lady, who attended our open house, found much-needed support during a challenging time—an unexpected pregnancy. As a single mom, she chose life because of the compassionate care and genuine relationships at Watermark Urgent Care. The Skillman clinic, more than a medical facility, became a source of relational support, illustrating the power of building connections that go beyond the medical chart. Through relationship and genuine care from our staff, T now has a 4 year old son and is an active participant at Watermark Community Church’s “The Porch”.
In the pursuit of excellence, Watermark Health goes beyond providing medical care to truly impact lives. Patient M's story is a testament to the transformative power of genuine care and compassion. Googling "urgent care clinics near me" in a moment of desperation, Patient M found more than just medical attention; he found a nurse who saw him, recognized his struggles, and extended a lifeline. The staff's commitment to excellence is evident in their unwavering support, leading Patient M to not only receive urgent medical care but also discover a newfound purpose in life. The clinic becomes a beacon of hope, where God's plan overrides despair, and Patient M, once on the brink of ending his life, finds a community and acceptance. This story exemplifies Watermark Health's commitment to excellence—going beyond the immediate medical needs to offer holistic care, healing, and a pathway to a meaningful relationship with Christ.
As an immigrant, one of my greatest fears was getting sick.
In Watermark Health's commitment to dignity, E's journey with the Mobile Clinic stands as a profound example. Initially aware of his high blood pressure but avoiding primary care for years, E found a lifeline in the clinic's approach. The launch of hypertension services in Plano addressed the need for comprehensive care. Conversations with E not only provided medical guidance but empowered him to actively participate in his healthcare, emphasizing his dignity, value, and worth. Overcoming initial nervousness, E expressed gratitude for the clinic's genuine conversation, connecting him to primary care and fostering a sense of common sense in self-care, reflecting not just physical healing but a restoration of dignity through Watermark Health's holistic approach.
As we unveil these stories, we invite you to be part of the transformative impact happening at Watermark Health. Consider contributing to our mission with either a financial gift or the gift of your time in service. Together, let's continue to embody Compassion, Accessibility, Relational Care, Excellence, and Dignity in every patient encounter, creating a ripple effect of positive change in our community.