Keep reading to learn more about how God is using our front desk volunteers at Watermark Urgent Care. Ready to jump in? Apply to become a volunteer today!
“Serving here(with Watermark Health) has changed everything for me," said David Cho."It's mostly changed my perspective on other people’s eternity. I no longer have to think about what I can do to please people, but rather, what is the most loving thing I could do, is to consider their eternity.”
Have you ever had an experience where God has used a life circumstance to change your perspective? For Watermark Health volunteer David Cho, God has used engaging with patients at Watermark UrgentCare to change his perspective in a big way.
David started serving with Watermark Health as sophomore in college and when he first started because he thought it would be a helpful way to gain experience as he considered medical career paths. When he started he found himself unsure and timid about sharing his faith. At the front desk he got a chance to watch other followers of Christ faithfully share the hope they had with patients and he wanted to do the same. Through serving alongside others and a discipleship trip to Haiti with the clinic team, David saw the thrill that it could bring to be bold for Christ. Over the course of three years, David has become one of our faithful shift leaders and now has the opportunity spend a year in the Watermark Institute serving as a Resident for Watermark Health.
“It’s like when you’re riding a roller coaster - at first, before you go over that big dip, you’re afraid. But the second you overcome that hurdle, you get the thrill of it. At the clinic I get to talk to people about Jesus and walk in the awesome adventures He puts in front of me.”
One adventure included David getting the chance to pray with two individuals to receive Christ while they spoke standing at the front desk. A man and a woman came in seeking primary care services that we do not provide. Rather than just informing them of the other clinics they could utilize and parting ways, David took the opportunity to comment on the woman’s cross necklace and ask her about her faith. He found out that they were from a country in Africa, had heard things about Christ, but had not heard that we can be sure of God’s provision for us on the cross.
“One of them told me they didn’t do enough Christian things, like go to church or pray. I explained the truth of Romans 5:8, God doesn’t ask us to change before He loved us. If we come to Him, He is the one to change us.”

As David shared the gospel, both individuals started to tear up and responded saying they wanted to pray right then and there.
“It was my first time to lead someone in that prayer, and I did it right there in the middle of the lobby. After we said amen we all started laughing because they had only come looking for a checkup but they left with more than they bargained for.”
David has seen the impact that being in the midst of the clinic has had on his walk with Jesus and his boldness for the gospel.
“While it was scary at first, the clinic has become my recharge place. When I'm there, I’m reminded regularly how big God really is and it’s almost like a gas station. Even though I’m serving, I'm refueled for why I’m studying, why I work, and why I do ministry.”
