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Our clinics function because at our core, we are the body of Christ meeting the city's needs. We have intentionally created space in our schedule and staffing needs for volunteers to play a key role. Every single task a volunteer helps with is crucial to making the clinic run. God created His church with a diversity of skills and gifts and personalities. At our clinics, you'll have ways to be deployed  in your gift mix towards the common mission of serving the people of our city.

Multiple clinic locations, united under one mission!
All clinic volunteers are part of the greater Watermark Health volunteer team!

WM Urgentcare White Logo.png


(Ongoing, two 4-hour shifts per month)


Our clinic is designed to be a welcoming and inviting place. Volunteers that serve at the front desk are the first to greet and get to know our patients. Those that thrive in this role are hospitable, inviting, and detail-oriented. After greeting guests and helping them understand our processes, you'll get them checked in for their visit, and host the lobby. YOU are in charge of making a great first impression for the clinic!


Patients are walking in our doors discouraged, hurting, and searching for help. Providers that serve with us have the opportunity to facilitate the medical care, including both urgent care and dental services, for patients that do not usually have access to services. Our providers ensure patients receive excellent healthcare in a context where they feel loved because of volunteers that serve in this way. YOU make this possible!

Serving in the Provider role is at the discretion of Clinical Leadership based on past and ongoing patient care experience and scope of care.


Due to the unique patient population we serve, Providers may be asked to serve in the RN/tech role to better assist the ministry.


Deploy your OB or women’s health medical skills by serving women through sonograms, prenatal care, miscarriage management and more. 

We are currently looking for a volunteer Early Prenatal Care Medical Director, learn more about this special role.

Check out the open full time roles for Early Prenatal Care.


Volunteers in this role tend to the physical conditions of our patients by conducting patient intakes, administering medication, running tests and as such, these volunteers must have a medical credential (RN, CNA, LVN, EMT, Paramedic, etc.). We perform dental services periodically, so we welcome dental hygienists as well. This role also involves discharging patients while also caring for them emotionally and spiritually during their time here. YOU begin the relational part of the visit!


Dentists, hygienists, or dental assistants to help serve in dental care, including providing urgent care services and initiating spiritual conversations with patients.


Our mission involves making sure we’re addressing spiritual care in addition to physical needs. Pastoral Care volunteers play a crucial role making sure we have engaged in a spiritual conversation in every room, providing biblical counsel and praying with patients.

YOU keep us mission true!


We see God write some pretty impressive stories within our four walls and we need your help re-telling them. Photographers, artists, graphic designers, videographers...there's a role for you to play. YOU help us document what God is doing and share with our city the impact He's making here!


 Are you or someone you know a specialist? We are looking to expand our external partnerships to provide more specialty services to our patients.  

Specialists include but are not limited to:

  • Dermatology

  • Physical Therapy

  • Podiatry

  • Orthopedics

  • Counseling

  • Women's Health

  • Dental

  • Opthamology/ Vision

  • ENT

Volunteer First Step



We invite you to COME & SEE all God is doing through our three clinic locations! The first step to becoming a volunteer in any capacity is watching our Come & See Videos! These videos will help you learn about the mission and vision of the clinic, get a virtual tour of the facilities, and learn how the clinic runs day in and day out.


After you complete the Come and See videos, you'll have access to our volunteer application! We will review your application and will follow-up with you about scheduling an in-person orientation. Here is when we will learn more about where you'd like to serve, any specific passion areas you may have, or unique ways you'd like to partner with us. We are excited for you to join our mission of not only providing temporary healing, but pointing patients back to their ultimate Healer, our Heavenly Father!

*All volunteer applicants please log in or create an account to access the volunteer application! 

Do you still have questions related to serving and partnering with us after watching the Come & See videos and reading the Frequently Asked Questions? These videos will answer SO many of our most frequently asked questions about serving!


Contact our Volunteer Coordinator with any additional questions.

Serving FAQ
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